
Monday, September 13, 2004

Cambridge, a world-famous university,my friend was leaving for that...The grandeur magnificent ancient buildings, the peaceful and beautiful river, the cold UK winter and the very original British accent...Yah, that is Cambridge University of Britain.

I was singing on a swing with my friends at Kent Ridge Hall in NUS when I received her phone call. She told me that she was in the Changi airport right then and she said we should keep in touch forever. In return, I said take care, kisses, don't forget to sent me photos,you will be my tour guide when I go to UK and keep in touch.

Keep in touch. The same sentence. I always feel that when somebody say keep in touch to me, I should say it also to him or her, so that there will be some kind of connection between us. Otherwise the line between us will be disconnected..

However, the moment I hung up my phone, I felt lost..Not only about her, but also about myself. There is no line in my hand. We have been friends for four years, during which, we shared our laughter and tear, our happiness and sorrow. She is that kind of blur blur girl, always forgets this or forgets that. But she is also such a lovely girl that there is always smile on her face. Just because of a little joke, she can laugh to the end of the world!

I smiled when all these memories rushed into my head. But she left. She is not one of my best friends, but her leaving still made me feel down.

Even my best friend can't keep in touch with me as she promised, what else can I demand from this friend? She just left.


Friday, September 10, 2004


My secret garden

Thursday, September 09, 2004

Flower, grass and the little white rabbit ...
Smile ...
I know they belong to me and my secret garden ...