
Sunday, October 10, 2004

Why people use blue to describe one's down mood? Blue is such a nice color... give me a cool and serenity feeling. I can't see any connection between this beautiful color and a sophisticated psychological problem...

(shrug) People are just mad.

I am feeling grey.

I don't know, just feeling down. (Don't look me like that..) Well, ok, I have to admit that most of the time, when I say I don't know, that's not what I mean. I just don't want to talk about anything. It's logic, isn't it?When people feel like messing up in their minds or huge rocks lying on their hearts, they simply don't want to open their mouth. "I don't know."is the most convenient and excusable way to escape. To escape from the things they are digging with, to escape from the people they are socialising with, to escape the world they are frustrating with, to escape ... whatever.

I am wondering how is the outer space look like? Bananas shopping with tomatoes?Or hamsters dancing with turtles? I must be like an alien to them... Ah ha, a good chance to become a celebrity! Perhaps!! The prince of outer space will even propose to me!

Emmm...I am sure will consider about it.

I mean, provided he is not a chimpanzee.