
Tuesday, October 18, 2005



Monday, October 17, 2005

上次那帮Dutch guys给的关于branding of fashion designer product的主意已经够难做了,根本不可能在短时间内见效,他们礼拜六居然开会弄出一个更离谱的主意,说什么要办一个business idea advisory company,帮助各个不同的公司制定他们的产品计划,比如说怎么把产品的品牌做出来等。我狂晕,你自己都不知道怎么把一个产品的品牌做出来,还要做advisory company???有没有头脑啊!还说把总部设在荷兰,然后把那些做事的professionals outsource到新加坡,我再晕,这种东西怎么outsource啊??你新加坡的professionals 怎么会明白怎样在荷兰做出品牌?连地方情况都不了解呀。感觉这帮人对outsource的基本概念都没弄清楚!呼呼呼!

blur blur

Sunday, October 16, 2005

今天好晕啊,从jurong east坐车回来,到clementi居然发呆发过去了,一路坐到dover! -.-!!!

Friday, October 14, 2005


what do i want?

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

昨天去了IEP的第一次meeting, 呼。。。I was kind of embarrassing myself there...

Iswen Bizard yr4
Sheena Political science yr4
Yu jun Engineering yr2

Iswen and Sheena both had NOC experiences. Iswen went to Silicon Valley and Sheena went to Biovalley. Although still a yr2 student, yu jun had plenty entrepreneurship experiences. Right now, he is one of the organizers of Start up @ Singapore (Stanley Han set up his company during start up @ Singapore) while me, nothing. -.-!

During the meeting, each of them threw out his or her ideas regarding this IEP. Obviously, they did not prepare for the meeting from the way they talk, but they had lots of ideas just came out from their mouths because they think about them everyday. They are real potential entrepreneurs, I have to admit. Iswen is more keen to social entrepreneurship, yu jun is more concerned about human health while Sheena always approaches problems from macro perspective.

"So what do you think?yu lu."
(Damn it! what am I gonna to say if I have nener thought about these stuff!)
"... ... Well...I know nothing about technology... " -.-!!

Meeting continued as I watched them keep talking about business ideas and I had been on a bed of thorns.

On my way back, I kept thinking how stupid I behaved just now, telling myself next time when I come for a meeting, I shall fully prepared for it.I must be full of fantastic business ideas which will shock them at instance!

But wait a minute, is that what I really want?

I applied for IEP because I want my resume looks better when I graduate;I work hard on my finance modules because I want my results slip looks better when I graduate;I am planning to join various CCAs because I want stand out from others when I graduate... All I did or going to do is used to pave my ideal career path towards finance sector which unfortunately, I have lost interest recently.

So what is the use for doing all these?

All sorts of projects make me bewildered in my life.

- How far does the forest go?
- As far as your mind goes.

But without a clear mind, how am I able to see the forest?


Monday, October 03, 2005

上个礼拜各种各样的考试总算是过去了!!虽然有一科考得一塌糊涂,其他的应该都还好,没有太大的问题。今天拿到international financial management的mid-term,嘿嘿,拿了101/108,开心开心~~ ^.^ 希望econs and GEM 也能考好。。
参加了一个international entreprenuership project. 申请的时候那个一腔热血!现在想想,够呛!一年啊。。。不知道要花费多少时间和精力了。。
今天去听了Barclay Capital的talk, 整个LT16里面座无虚席。其中大部分人是undergraduates, 还有MBAs和PhDs。负责招聘的是一个很年轻的英国女孩子,Kate Eggers, 很漂亮哦,说英文听起来也好舒服。唉。。Barclay, 真是一个令人向往的地方。不过,那么famous的Barclay,看LT里这些人的架势,估计还没进去,就会被这帮人在招聘会门口被踩死。@.@
因为有buffet ... ^0^