what do i want?

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

昨天去了IEP的第一次meeting, 呼。。。I was kind of embarrassing myself there...

Iswen Bizard yr4
Sheena Political science yr4
Yu jun Engineering yr2

Iswen and Sheena both had NOC experiences. Iswen went to Silicon Valley and Sheena went to Biovalley. Although still a yr2 student, yu jun had plenty entrepreneurship experiences. Right now, he is one of the organizers of Start up @ Singapore (Stanley Han set up his company during start up @ Singapore) while me, nothing. -.-!

During the meeting, each of them threw out his or her ideas regarding this IEP. Obviously, they did not prepare for the meeting from the way they talk, but they had lots of ideas just came out from their mouths because they think about them everyday. They are real potential entrepreneurs, I have to admit. Iswen is more keen to social entrepreneurship, yu jun is more concerned about human health while Sheena always approaches problems from macro perspective.

"So what do you think?yu lu."
(Damn it! what am I gonna to say if I have nener thought about these stuff!)
"... ... Well...I know nothing about technology... " -.-!!

Meeting continued as I watched them keep talking about business ideas and I had been on a bed of thorns.

On my way back, I kept thinking how stupid I behaved just now, telling myself next time when I come for a meeting, I shall fully prepared for it.I must be full of fantastic business ideas which will shock them at instance!

But wait a minute, is that what I really want?

I applied for IEP because I want my resume looks better when I graduate;I work hard on my finance modules because I want my results slip looks better when I graduate;I am planning to join various CCAs because I want stand out from others when I graduate... All I did or going to do is used to pave my ideal career path towards finance sector which unfortunately, I have lost interest recently.

So what is the use for doing all these?

All sorts of projects make me bewildered in my life.

- How far does the forest go?
- As far as your mind goes.

But without a clear mind, how am I able to see the forest?