
Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Thought this would be a better-looking template, I worked hard on it. Changed colour for all my writings, tried dark green, republished,tried light green,republished,uploaded a picture, edited, republished, used this new template, must republish the whole blog... @.@...Fine fine... I republished the whole blog... Tick tick... 5% republished...10% republished...15% republished... After about ten minutes, my brand new blog finally appeared in front of me. It looks nice and fresh, isn't it?

But!!Wait a minute!!

Why the hell my "about me"column is squeezed to the bottom left corner??? -.-!


Jade said...

though this one is all shades of green, i like the previous template better!! sighs..

p.s. you don't need to republish every time actually. just click 'preview', see if you like it, edit some more and preview again till you are ready to save changes and republish once and for all!

布丁 said...

i always change the template..@.@喜新厌旧的说..i changed 2 or 3 templates within this week already.
Don't worry, it won't be long before i change back to the Harbour
yep,i saw the preview button finally..well, when i finished republishing the whole thing... :C